Become a member
Join as a member and get unlimited access to licensed and trained doctors 24/7
Be part of the healthcare future
Access to healthcare thought the region has become an increasing problem. Average wait times to see a physician is only getting worse and in many area’s of the region it can take up to 30+ days for a simple scheduled appointment. Many healthcare issues go untreated. Technology and healthcare are expanding quickly and at Direct Remedy we are expanding the opportunity for trained providers to use technology to provide better healthcare for everyone. Learn more about partnering with Direct Remedy and be part of the healthcare future.
Become a Wellness Provider:
Direct Remedy is looking for licensed physicians in all medical fields to provide Telehealth care to our members.
The Future of Healthcare:
Direct Remedy is a leader in providing remote Telehealth care using United State based technology and protocols to provide affordable and flexible enhanced care.
Flexible Work Schedules:
Direct Remedy offers flexibility in work schedules. Work as much or as little as you want.
Telehealth Systems Training:
Specialized Electronic Health Systems (EHR) technology training provided.
Wellness administrative services include:
// United States HIPAA compliant technology
// Patient Data Collection Interface
// Live Video Consultations
// FIPS 140-2 Encryption
// Telehealth Training Program
// Clinical Enterprise Systems Integration
Have questions about membership or our services?
If you have questions about our Telehealth services for your healthcare needs please don’t hesitate to ask how we can help. Complete the form below and a Direct Remedy staff member will contact you to answer your questions and explain the benefits of joining the Direct Remedy monthly membership program.
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